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Represents a final state of an <scxml> or compound <state> element.
<scxml name="Scxml" version="1.0" xmlns="">
<state id="Work">
<transition event="done.state.Work" target="WorkFinished"/>
<state id="CompletingTask">
<transition target="Completed"/>
<final id="Completed"/>
<final id="WorkFinished"/>
After entering the initial configuration, and after executing each microstep, the SCXML Processor must check the state configuration for <final> states that it has entered during the microstep. If it has entered a <final> state that is a child of <scxml>, it must halt processing. If it has entered a <final> state that is a child of a compound state, it must generate the event
, where id
is the id of the compound state. If the compound state is itself the child of a <parallel> element, and all the <parallel> element's other children are in final states, the Processor must generate the event
, where id
is the id of the <parallel> elements.
<scxml name="ScxmlJoinParallel" version="1.0" xmlns="">
<parallel id="p">
<transition event="done.state.p" target="someOtherState"/>
<state id="S1" initial="S11">
<state id="S11">
<transition event="e4" target="S12"/>
<state id="S12">
<transition event="e1" target="S1Final"/>
<final id="S1Final"/>
<state id="S2" initial="S21">
<state id="S21">
<transition event="e1" target="S22"/>
<state id="S22">
<transition event="e2" target="S2Final"/>
<final id="S2Final"/>
<state id="someOtherState"/>
When the state machine enters the final child of a state element, the SCXML processor MUST generate the event after completion of the onentry elements, where id is the id of the parent state.
Immediately after generating upon entering a final child of state, if the parent state is a child of a parallel element, and all of the parallel's other children are also in final states, the Processor MUST generate the event where id is the id of the parallel element.
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